I just received word from officials at Colorado Public Radio (KVOD, 88.1 FM) that St. Martin’s Chamber Choir will be featured this Wednesday, February 21, on the program “Colorado Spotlight,” which airs at 10:00am and 6:00pm (Mountain Daylight Time).
A week ago, St. Martin’s went into the CPR recording studio to record the two a cappella pieces from this coming weekend’s concerts (William Harris’ “Faire is the Heaven,” and Terry Schlenker’s “In paradisum”). In a surprise, they both got broadcast (previewed?) this last Sunday morning on “Sacred Classics,” I was told by several who heard them. But they are going to be featured (along with other recordings, I imagine?) in this Wednesday’s “Colorado Spotlight.” If you’re not in the Denver broadcasting area, you can go to the CPR website either at the broadcast time (adjusted for your time zone) and listen live (click on “listen”); or to the archived recordings afterwards, I think, to hear the program.
The voices and instruments of SMCC and the Colorado Wind Ensemble rehearsed together yesterday for the first time, and, as I anticipated, the splendor of our joined sonorities was magnificent!! It was thrilling to hear the sounds of the 40 musicians raised together in “Sonic Splendor!” The Bruckner is a truly symphonic work, with its creative wind parts accompanying the more traditional choral parts of the Mass, and Bruckner’s unique brand of chromaticism bringing heightened emotion to the words. It has quickly becoming a new favorite piece of mine.
And Daniel Kellogg was on hand at the rehearsal to hear his newly commissioned work, “Darest thou now, O soul,” come to life for the first time with all parts coming together. It is a haunting and mysterious work that several times rises to great peaks of intensity, interspersed with hushed and yearning moments that, to me, have a poignant searching quality to them. A world premiere that will be sure to thrill and haunt you.
I always write enthusiastically of our upcoming concerts; and sometimes I write breathlessly after the concert, and people tell me “Why didn’t you make it clear I needed to be there? That, while all your concerts are good, some are truly breathtaking?” Well, this is one of those times. YOU NEED TO BE THERE! A historic concert that should set every tongue wagging afterwards.
Friday, Feb. 23, 7:30pm, Montview Blvd. Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St.
Sunday, Feb. 25, 3:00pm, Bethany Lutheran Church, 4500 E. Hampden Ave.
Tickets available in advance from our website and by calling the office at (303) 298-1970; or at the door.